
采用 NVIDIA 技术创造的《代号:降临》虚拟人李星澜穿越“数字虫洞”亮相

发表于:2024-12-22 作者:创始人
编辑最后更新 2024年12月22日,4 月 14 日,一名声称自己来自 2112 年的虚拟人,在抖音上传送了来自未来的求助信号。信号一出,引发了无数 21 世纪虚拟人的响应。一场虚拟人间的梦幻联动就此展开 --"现象级"美妆虚拟人柳夜熙

4 月 14 日,一名声称自己来自 2112 年的虚拟人,在抖音上传送了来自未来的求助信号。信号一出,引发了无数 21 世纪虚拟人的响应。一场虚拟人间的梦幻联动就此展开 --"现象级"美妆虚拟人柳夜熙,知名虚拟偶像 A-SOUL 嘉然、A-SOUL 贝拉,中国科幻银河奖终身成就奖获得作家王晋康虚拟替身 W 先生,知名 AI 虚拟人李未可共同响应,回应了"她"的求助信号。

随后,"信号"事件也在大众领域掀起波浪,大量的自媒体涌入,参与解码这神秘的外星信号,#2112 年外星信号降临#也登上了抖音热榜第 1 位。

而这次信号事件中的主角,正是来自 2112 年的虚拟人 -- 李星澜 Lydia。

李星澜 Lydia 是谁?

李星澜 Lydia,来自 MMC SOCIETY 研发的手游《代号:降临》,该游戏发生在外星入侵后的未来世界

在进入 21 世纪的虚拟社交平台前,李星澜 Lydia 是未来科学家共同努力制造的超级人工智能(AI),脑中存储着海量的人类文明数据,能通过计算做出最理性的决策。但经过自我进化后,她通过学习模拟了人类的情感系统,这使得她偶尔的决策并非绝对的理性。

在未来世界被外星入侵毁灭后,作为天马星空间站的超级人工智能,李星澜 Lydia 肩负着延续文明火种的重大责任。为此,她以重启人类文明为目标,向 21 世纪的人们发起了求助。然而 21 世纪的技术无法接收来自 2112 年的求助信号,因此她决定将自己解体为数据流进入虚拟世界,将求助信号传递至 21 世纪,这就是信号事件的源头。

信号事件热度未止,《代号:降临》又正式公开了虚拟人李星澜 Lydia 的第二个百万大片。



"在进入虚拟世界的李星澜 Lydia,醒来之后发现自己处在一个陌生的时空,她忘记了自己是谁,来这的目的是什么。她在空无一人的虚拟城市中穿梭,这里是她似乎很熟悉的文明实体。在无法通过与他人交流获取有效信息的情况下,她选择与自己对话,逐渐找到了答案,也逐渐察觉到了隐藏在这个虚拟空间背后的巨大危机。"

在进入虚拟世界后,李星澜 Lydia 的"AI 大脑"失去了部分数据,在虚拟的城市中寻找自己的痕迹。她当前面临最大的问题便是"我是谁",而距离唤醒她的全部,还有一段"学习"时间。

在《代号:降临》里,李星澜 Lydia 作为智能终端,记录游戏世界信息与玩家数据,为每一位进入到未来世界的玩家提供指引和帮助。在《代号:降临》外,她将会在抖音、B站等主流社交媒体传输未来生存的影像,持续"报道"在 2112 年被外星入侵后的世界现状,以及展示个人视频。

总而言之,目前的李星澜 Lydia 拥有来自未来的"AI 大脑",在"AI 大脑"的支持下,她得以与 2022 年的世界产生交互,能与 2022 年的人类自如交流,是智能且真实的虚拟人。为了实现上述看似属于"未来"的技术,MMC SOCIETY 在创造李星澜 Lydia 的过程中与 NVIDIA 展开了密切合作。

NVIDIA 技术大揭秘

MMC SOCIETY 和 NVIDIA 团队合作摸索了一些属于"未来"的技术。结合 MMC SOCIETY 的 AI 技术、NVIDIA 的底层算力、以及 NVIDIA Omniverse 平台共同激活了连接另一个虚拟时空的"数字虫洞",让李星澜得以穿越时空,向 2022 年发送信号。

什么是"数字虫洞"?天体物理学家认为,在宇宙中,虫洞是一种天然的时间机器,维持虫洞的开放可以使我们回到过去或者进入未来。由于元宇宙概念的广泛传播,在虚拟世界中,使数据流传输, 并呈现于过去或未来的"数字虫洞"也备受关注。

NVIDIA Omniverse,这一实时 3D 仿真和协作平台,为李星澜 Lydia 创造数据流提供了"数字虫洞"这一通路,也为 2112 年的她解体为数据流、从另一个时空回到 2022 的地球提供了"数字虫洞"理论可能性。

同时,李星澜 Lydia 也把"AI 大脑"-- 未来的 AI 技术带到了 2022 年。当前,创造高质量虚拟人通常涉及大量技术,例如 3D 建模、动画和人工智能。虽然人工手动制作动画和脚本能够产生高保真度的视觉效果,但难以扩大规模且不具有成本效益。因此,MMC SOCIETY 与 NVIDIA 团队为虚拟人生产和互动共同设计未来"AI 大脑"-- 一个可扩展性的 AI 系统,这个系统能通过 NVIDIA Omniverse 平台连接了李星澜 Lydia 和后端负责生成聊天文本内容,以及通过聊天文本内容来生成动画的深度定制神经网络。也就是说,不管是她说话的内容还是她的表情、动作,都是通过定制开发的神经网络来完成。

为了加快在创造李星澜 Lydia 中使用的深度学习模型的训练周期,团队利用了一些最强大的 NVIDIA 加速器,例如 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core 80GB 和 V100 Tensor Core GPU。除了硬件,团队还利用了 FP16 混合精度训练和 Megatron-LM 风格的模型并行方案,在不牺牲收敛质量的情况下进一步提升训练吞吐量。团队目前的系统总共使用了约几十个 NVIDIA GPU,并且能够在两天内完全训练 audio2motion 和 text2speech 模型,并在五天内完全训练基于 Transformer 的 Chatbot 模型,超过 10 TB 的训练数据。

在推理方面,团队利用了另一 NVIDIA GPU 集群,还将 NVIDIA 的 FasterTransformer(一种基于 CUDA、cuBLAS 和 cuBLASLt 的定制解决方案,用于优化 Transformer 架构)整合到其推理运行时中,从而将推理延迟减半,使李星澜 Lydia 能够以高度响应的方式与观众互动。

简而言之,以丰富的 GPU 计算资源为支撑,并结合 NVIDIA 团队量身定制的 AI 系统进行优化,MMC SOCIETY 创造李星澜 Lydia 时,在几个月的时间内就完成了打造高质量虚拟人的端到端迭代。

MMC SOCIETY 的 AI 技术、NVIDIA 的底层算力、以及 NVIDIA Omniverse 平台,利用好这些尖端技术,相信李星澜 Lydia 背后的 GPU 驱动的 AI 生产系统肯定会在不久的将来给大家带来更多惊喜,或是展示李星澜 Lydia 的更多面,或是还有更多类李星澜 Lydia 的拥有"AI 大脑"的虚拟人出现,但这个过程中,李星澜 Lydia 将作为首位真・元宇宙虚拟人,连接现实与虚拟、现在和未来,和我们一起探索和见识虚拟世界的不同时空。

回到游戏,《代号:降临》希望通过"智能终端"李星澜 Lydia,帮助游戏中的幸存者们,以一个更未来的方式生存在这个被外星入侵后的世界,建立与幸存者情感连接;也希望通过"真・元宇宙虚拟人"李星澜 Lydia 展示更丰富个性与内容,连接现实中更广泛人群,呼唤大家投入到《代号:降临》的虚拟世界里获取更丰富的体验。

试想未来,《代号:降临》将会为李星澜 Lydia 定制并展示更深度的合作内容,我们可以期待,这名从科幻生存游戏中诞生,拥有未来"AI 大脑"的虚拟人能够在一众虚拟人中崭露头角,获得大家的喜爱。



4 月 15 日,《代号:降临》开启了为期 15 天的信号测试,玩家可以登陆《代号:降临》的官网进行预约。在游戏中,玩家便可亲身与李星澜 Lydia 进行接触,与她在未来的世界里并肩作战,并通过与她的交流互动,补充与修复其缺失的数据,解锁她的更多能力与故事。请和她交流、互动,告诉她你在 2112 年世界里的生存故事。李星澜将会在各位玩家的帮助下,不断补全进化。以更智能、更真实的姿态与你一起迎接希望的曙光。

[J1] Powered by NVIDIA's key technologies, Lydia, a virtual human in Project: Arrival, debuts from the "digital wormhole"

Alternative headline 1: Powered by key technologies of NVIDIA Omniverse, Project: Arrival and the virtual human Lydia make a stunning debut

Alternative headline 2: Game-changing cooperation! Powered by key technologies of NVIDIA Omniverse, Project: Arrival has created a virtual human Lydia in the gaming world

Release date: April 14 to April 16

Release channels: official website of Project: Arrival, NVIDIA's official account, game network media, and technology/business/mass network media

[Press release content]

What will happen when an alien signal arrives on Earth in 2112?

On April 14, a digital human who claims that she comes from 2112 sends a signal for help from the future on TikTok. The signal attracts countless responses from virtual humans in the 21st century, leading to the launch of a surrealistic collaboration in the digital world. The phenomenal virtual beauty vlogger Liu Yexi, the well-known virtual idols Diana and Bella from A-SOUL, Mr. W, the virtual double of Wang Jinkang, the author who won the Galaxy Award's Lifetime Achievement Award, and the well-known AI virtual human Li Weike collectively respond to "her" signal for help.

(Picture to be supplemented)

Subsequently, the "signal" incident also creates quite a stir among the public. Many self-media rush to participate in decoding this mysteriAn signal. #aliensignal2112 also ranks x among TikTok's top trending hashtags.

The protagonist of this signal incident is Lydia, a virtual human from 2112.

(Insert images of costume changes by influencers or debut videos)

Who Is Lydia?

Lydia is from Project: Arrival, a mobile game researched and developed by MMC SOCIETY. This game takes place in a future world that has suffered an alien invasion.

Before her debut on the virtual social platform of the 21st century, Lydia had been a super artificial intelligence (AI) manufactured by future scientists through their combined wisdom. Lydia stores a massive amount of human civilization data in her brain, and is able to make the most rational decisions through well-thought-out calculations. However, she has learned and simulated the human emotional system after self-evolution, so at times she does not apply absolute rationality in her decision-making.

After the future world is destroyed by an alien invasion, Lydia shoulders the great responsibility for reviving civilization as a super AI in the Pegasus Space Station. To this end, she asks for help from people in the 21st century for the purpose of rebuilding human civilization. However, the brain-computer technology in the 21st century is not capable of receiving her signal for help sent from 2112. Therefore, Lydia decides to disintegrate herself into data streams to enter the virtual world to send the signal to the 21st century. This is how the signal incident started.

While the signal incident still creates an online buzz, Project: Arrival officially releases another million-dollar character demonstration featuring Lydia, the virtual human.

(Insert a CG video about Lydia)

"After waking up in the virtual world, Lydia finds herself in an unfamiliar time and space. She cannot remember who she is or why she is here. She strolls in the empty virtual city and finds it to be a very familiar entity of civilization. Since she cannot obtain effective information by communicating with others, she chooses to communicate with herself and gradually finds the answers. She also starts to become aware of the major crisis hidden in this virtual space."

After entering the virtual world, Lydia suffers partial data loss in her AI brain, and goes out looking for her traces in the virtual city. Her major concern now is her identity as she continues to wonder "Who Am I?" It will take some "learning" before she is fully awakened.

In Project: Arrival, Lydia, a smart terminal, records the gaming world information and player data, as well as offers guidance and assistance to all players entering the future world. Outside Project: Arrival, Lydia will upload images about future survival, continue to "report" on life in the world after an alien invasion in 2112, and show her personal videos on mainstream social media such as TikTok and Bilibili.

In short, Lydia now has an "AI brain" from the future. Supported by her "AI brain," she is an intelligent and real virtual human who can interact with the world in 2022 and communicate freely with humans in 2022. More importantly, in order to realize the above-mentioned technologies that seem to be from the "future," MMC SOCIETY has worked closely with NVIDIA since the creation of Lydia.

NVIDIA's Key Technologies Revealed

The teams of MMC SOCIETY and NVIDIA have worked together to explore some technologies of the "future." Through the combination of the AI technologies of MMC SOCIETY, the underlying computing power of NVIDIA, and the platform of NVIDIA Omniverse, the "digital wormhole" connecting to another virtual space and time has been activated, allowing Lydia to travel through time and space and send a signal to 2022.

What is a "digital wormhole"? Astrophysicists believe that a wormhole is a natural time machine in the universe. By keeping wormholes open, we can travel back to the past or into the future. Due to the widespread dissemination of the metaverse concept, "digital wormholes" have garnered great attention, as they enable data stream transmission in the virtual world and are presented in the past or the future.

Omniverse, a real-time simulation and collaboration platform developed by NVIDIA's team, provides the channel for a "digital wormhole" for Lydia to create data streams, as well as offers the possibility of the "digital wormhole" theory for her, a virtual human from 2112, to disintegrate herself into data streams and go back to 2022 from another time and space.

Meanwhile, Lydia also brings the "AI brain," a future AI technology, to 2022. At present, creating high-quality virtual humans usually involves many different types of technology, such as 3D modeling, animation, and artificial intelligence. Although manual animation and script production can generate high-fidelity visual effects, it is difficult to scale up and is not cost-effective. Therefore, the teams of MMC SOCIETY and NVIDIA have jointly designed the future "AI brain," a scalable AI system, for virtual human production and interaction. This system can connect to Lydia and the backend through the NVIDIA Omniverse platform to generate chat text content, through which in-depth customized neural network for animations can be produced. In other words, the chat content, expressions and actions of Lydia are all completed through a customized neural network.

(Insert a picture displaying Lydia)

In order to shorten the training cycle of the deep learning model used in the creation of Lydia, some of the most powerful NVIDIA GPUs, such as A100-80GB and V100, have been used. The team has also adopted the parallel scheme combining FP16 mixed-precision training and a Megatron-LM-style model to further improve training throughput without lowering the convergence quality. The current system developed by the team has used dozens of A100/V100 GPUs, and can complete the training of the audio2motion and text2speech models in 2 days, as well as fully train the Transformer-based Chatbot model in 5 days, with over 10 TB of training data.

For inference, the team has used the T4 GPU cluster and integrated NVIDIA's FasterTransformer (a custom solution based on CUDA, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt to optimize the Transformer architecture) into its inference runtime, so as to halve inference delay. As a result, Lydia is highly responsive when interacting with audiences.

In short, supported by abundant GPU computing resources and relying on optimization by the AI system solution customized by the NVIDIA team, MMC SOCIETY has completed the end-to-end iteration of high-quality virtual humans in a few months when creating Lydia.

Through the use of the cutting-edge AI technology of MMC SOCIETY, the underlying computing power of NVIDIA, and the platform of NVIDIA Omniverse, it is believed that the GPU-driven AI production system supporting Lydia will definitely bring more surprises in the near future. It may display more sides of Lydia or create more virtual humans with "AI brain" similar to Lydia. In the process, Lydia will connect to the real and virtual worlds, and the present and the future as the first real metaverse virtual human, and will explore and experience different time and space in the virtual world with us.

Back to the game, Project: Arrival intends to help survivors in the game survive in the world that has suffered an alien invasion in a more futuristic way and establish an emotional connection with survivors with the help of the "smart terminal," Lydia. It also intends to display richer personalities and content through the "real metaverse virtual human" Lydia and reach to a wider range of players in reality to call on them to gain richer experience by devoting themselves to the virtual world in Project: Arrival.

We can imagine a future where Project: Arrival customizes and displays more in-depth cooperation content for Lydia. We can expect this virtual human born from a sci-fi survival game with the future "AI brain" to stand out from the crowd of virtual humans and find favor with everyone.

(Insert test KV)

Project: Arrival, a mobile game on sci-fi survival, will soon start a test that is limited to specific accounts whose game data will be wiped afterward

The attacking aliens have destroyed everything that was ever built on this planet, including civilization and order. Cities are reduced to ruins and there is a gradual depletion of energy resources. In the face of a crisis caused by beings from light years away, can survivors still thrive in a world that is now completely different by making use of the earth's once highly developed technological capabilities?

Project: Arrival will start a 15-day signal test on April 15. Players can log in to the official website of Project: Arrival to pre-order. In the game, players can meet with Lydia, fight alongside her in the future world, supplement and repair her missing data, and unlock more of her capabilities and stories by communicating and interacting with her. Come see her and tell her your survival story in the world of 2112. With your help, Lydia will continue to improve and evolve into a smarter and more engaging version of herself to better accompany and guide you on your journey toward a brighter future.

2022-05-06 01:59:31